Saturday morning crafty fun with vegetable artist extraordinaire, Mme Zucchini!
Each week, we'll take a theme, and create wonderful stuff out of vegetables via the medium of Zoom. It could be dinosaurs, dragons, space veg, even jewellery.
THIS WEEK IT’S VEGETABLE AVATARS/SUPERHERO’S so get ready to channel your inner veg hero
Mme Zucchini will show you how she makes her own creations, and inspire you to make one or two of your own. It’s sociable, a bit silly, and mindful too.
All you need to do is book onto the event, get some veg of your choice, some wool perhaps, cocktail or craft sticks, & maybe an adult to help chop stuff, unless you are extremely grown up yourself :))
Age range 4 upwards (as a guide - playful adults most welcome
£5 per week per household for 40 mins approx. You can book on for just one, or more sessions.
If you are otherwise inspired from the topic in hand, you can make whatever makes your imagination fly.